Added on 2024-06-12
Last refresh 2024-06-13
Type dynamic
Category Presumptive
Source url https://industry.eea.europa.eu/#/home
Source text EPRTR
Source type Authorities
Row count 5455
Coord. count 5274
with values 0.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 0
[2] wwtp
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-06-24
Type dynamic
Category Presumptive
Source url https://sdi.eea.europa.eu/catalogue/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/7c26ff2c-d1b1-4533-95e6-29b34d29fe0e
Source text European Environment Agency
Source type Authorities
Row count 21448
Coord. count 21406
with values 0.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 0
[6] Firefighters operational training centers
Firefighters operational training centers
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Presumptive
Source url https://www.vigilfuoco.it/sitiSpeciali/GestioneSiti/homepageSFO.asp?s=1&p=1
Source text Scuola di formazione operativa di Montelibretti
Source type Authorities
Row count 1
Coord. count 1
with values 0.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 0
[8] AFFF from France
AFFF from France
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Presumptive
Source url https://www.c2fpa.fr/
Source text C2FPA
Source type Company website
Row count 5
Coord. count 5
with values 20.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 5
[9] Firefighting training and incidents in Flanders
Firefighting training and incidents in Flanders
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Presumptive
Source url https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/97e28171-1171-41dc-ae71-6ae1e5d28568
Source text Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen
Source type Authorities
Row count 814
Coord. count 814
with values 0.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 0
[10] 15 textile facilities emitting PFAS
15 textile facilities emitting PFAS
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CKxJ5Q1Q-VqctdDvvnFPM8mHPYOyj_qo
Source text European Commission Joint Research Center
Source type FOI
Row count 9
Coord. count 9
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 9.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 6.0
PFAS count 3
[13] PFAS Producers
PFAS Producers
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.auvergne-rhone-alpes.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/220729_resultats_rejets_arkema_daikin.pdf
Source text Dreal Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Source type Authorities
Row count 9
Coord. count 9
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 9.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 8.0
PFAS count 5
[14] POPMON Trinkwasser Daten 260922
POPMON Trinkwasser Daten 260922
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.ages.at/
Source text AGES
Source type Authorities
Row count 10
Coord. count 0
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 100.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 10.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 5.0
PFAS count 12
[18] denmark_ministry_environment
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://eng.mst.dk/
Source text Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Source type Authorities
Row count 983
Coord. count 402
with values 81.99%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 487.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 358.0
PFAS count 22
[19] denmark_ministry_environment_wwtp
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://eng.mst.dk/
Source text Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Source type Authorities
Row count 585
Coord. count 57
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 373.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 48.0
PFAS count 9
[20] denmark_Sjælland
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Danske Region Sjælland
Source type Authorities
Row count 977
Coord. count 518
with values 35.31%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 190.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 53.0
PFAS count 29
[21] denmark_Midtjyllands
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Danske Region Midtjyllands
Source type Authorities
Row count 3005
Coord. count 995
with values 58.07%
without precise loc. 0.43%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 727.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 247.0
PFAS count 33
[22] denmark_Syddanmark
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Danske Region Syddanmark
Source type Authorities
Row count 2960
Coord. count 1577
with values 38.48%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 652.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 223.0
PFAS count 38
[23] denmark_Nordjylland
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Danske Region Nordjylland
Source type Authorities
Row count 1847
Coord. count 978
with values 39.52%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 436.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 141.0
PFAS count 22
[25] Finland PFAS in surface water and fish - surface water
Finland PFAS in surface water and fish - surface water
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.syke.fi
Source text Finnish Environment Institute
Source type Authorities
Row count 258
Coord. count 84
with values 85.27%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 93.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 31.0
PFAS count 21
[26] PFAS in fish
PFAS in fish
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.syke.fi
Source text Finnish Environment Institute
Source type Authorities
Row count 225
Coord. count 90
with values 76.89%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 173.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 167.0
PFAS count 22
[27] AFFF impacted sites in Finland
AFFF impacted sites in Finland
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154237
Source text Reinikainen 2022
Source type Scientific article
Row count 142
Coord. count 63
with values 98.59%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 107.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 96.0
PFAS count 23
[28] france_ades
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-07-02
Type dynamic
Category Known
Source url https://ades.eaufrance.fr/
Source text ADES
Source type Authorities
Row count 133112
Coord. count 13497
with values 6.52%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 3676.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 595.0
PFAS count 25
[29] france_naiades
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-06-19
Type dynamic
Category Known
Source url https://naiades.eaufrance.fr/
Source text Naiades
Source type Authorities
Row count 142779
Coord. count 5154
with values 29.46%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 16212.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 2414.0
PFAS count 26
[30] ANSES
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/LABO-Ra-Perfluorates.pdf
Source text French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES)
Source type FOI
Row count 459
Coord. count 0
with values 38.78%
without precise loc. 100.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 95.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 11.0
PFAS count 10
[31] Rhine Aquifer
Rhine Aquifer
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.aprona.net/FR/ermes-rhin/presentation-ermes-rhin.html
Source text Aprona
Source type Authorities
Row count 1012
Coord. count 984
with values 61.17%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 28
[32] DE Main Dataset - Presumptive
DE Main Dataset - Presumptive
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Presumptive
Source url http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/19/016/1901649.pdf
Source text Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 19/1649
Source type Authorities
Row count 180
Coord. count 179
with values 0.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 0
[33] DE Main Dataset - Known
DE Main Dataset - Known
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www1.bayern.landtag.de/www/ElanTextAblage_WP18/Drucksachen/Schriftliche%20Anfragen/18_0004271.pdf
Source text Bayerischer Landtag Drucksache 18/4271
Source type Authorities
Row count 55
Coord. count 40
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 55.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 49.0
PFAS count 6
[34] DE Schleswig Holstein
DE Schleswig Holstein
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Schleswig-Holstein Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)
Source type Authorities
Row count 28
Coord. count 24
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 7.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 8
[35] DE Rheinland Pfalz
DE Rheinland Pfalz
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Rheinland-Pfalz Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie und Mobilität (MKUEM)
Source type Authorities
Row count 46
Coord. count 38
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 8
[36] DE Hessen
DE Hessen
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Hessisches Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie
Source type Authorities
Row count 434
Coord. count 0
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 100.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 434.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 434.0
PFAS count 17
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Bremen Die Senatorin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Mobilität, Stadtentwicklung und Wohnungsbau
Source type Authorities
Row count 200
Coord. count 14
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 74.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 10.0
PFAS count 19
[40] DE_HB_PFAS_WRRL_Biota-Fische
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Bremen Die Senatorin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Mobilität, Stadtentwicklung und Wohnungsbau
Source type Authorities
Row count 15
Coord. count 0
with values 40.0%
without precise loc. 100.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 6.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 6.0
PFAS count 16
[44] North sea research papers
North sea research papers
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-06-24
Type dynamic
Category Known
Source url https://hcdc.hereon.de/campaign_db/#/download
Source text Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Source type Scientific article
Row count 215
Coord. count 203
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 83.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 42.0
PFAS count 17
[46] [OLD] DE_GW_S
Added on 2022-02-07
Last refresh 2024-06-13
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.umwelt.sachsen.de/datenportal-ida-4626.html
Source text Datenportal iDA | Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie
Source type Authorities
Row count 12
Coord. count 12
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 11.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 3
[51] [OLD] DE_BY_Producer_Gendorf
[OLD] DE_BY_Producer_Gendorf
Added on 2022-02-07
Last refresh 2024-06-13
Type static
Category Known
Source text Landratsamt Altötting
Source type Authorities
Row count 1
Coord. count 1
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 14
[52] [OLD] DE_NRW_SW
Added on 2022-02-07
Last refresh 2024-06-13
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.elwasweb.nrw.de/elwas-web/index.xhtml
Source text Database ELWAS| Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen
Source type Authorities
Row count 249
Coord. count 249
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 234.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 38.0
PFAS count 4
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.isprambiente.gov.it/it/pubblicazioni/rapporti/indirizzi-perla-progettazione-delle-reti-di-monitoraggio-delle-sostanze-perfluoroalchiliche-pfas-nei-corpi-idrici-superficiali-e-sotterranei
Source text ISPRA
Source type Authorities
Row count 302
Coord. count 302
with values 70.53%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 100.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 33.0
PFAS count 12
[54] Water Samplings Veneto
Water Samplings Veneto
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-06-24
Type dynamic
Category Known
Source url https://www.arpa.veneto.it/dati-ambientali/open-data/idrosfera/concentrazione-di-sostanze-perfluoroalchiliche-pfas-nelle-acque-prelevate-da-arpav
Source text ARPA Veneto
Source type Authorities
Row count 17496
Coord. count 2515
with values 68.16%
without precise loc. 9.99%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 9099.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 5493.0
PFAS count 30
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-07-02
Type static
Category Known
Source text ARPA Veneto
Source type Authorities
Row count 118
Coord. count 8
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 118.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 118.0
PFAS count 25
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque – CNR
Source type Authorities
Row count 9
Coord. count 9
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 9.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 9.0
PFAS count 10
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text ARPA Veneto
Source type Authorities
Row count 13319
Coord. count 2031
with values 66.1%
without precise loc. 13.83%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 7032.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 4406.0
PFAS count 22
[58] 2021 - Lombardia - Surface Water - Rivers
2021 - Lombardia - Surface Water - Rivers
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.arpalombardia.it/Pages/Acque-Superficiali/Rapporti-Annuali.aspx
Source text ARPA Lombardia
Source type Authorities
Row count 369
Coord. count 84
with values 92.14%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 199.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 49.0
PFAS count 13
[59] Lombardia Surface Water - Lakes
Lombardia Surface Water - Lakes
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text ARPA Lombardia
Source type Authorities
Row count 132
Coord. count 26
with values 81.06%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 2.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 13
[60] 2021 - Lombardia - Ground Water
2021 - Lombardia - Ground Water
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Lombardia
Source type Authorities
Row count 113
Coord. count 58
with values 59.29%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 34.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 5.0
PFAS count 13
[62] 2019_2022 - Bolzano - Surface Waters
2019_2022 - Bolzano - Surface Waters
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Bolzano
Source type Authorities
Row count 264
Coord. count 35
with values 29.55%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 16.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 14
[63] 2021 - Liguria - Acque Superficiali
2021 - Liguria - Acque Superficiali
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Liguria
Source type Authorities
Row count 448
Coord. count 25
with values 54.91%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 124.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 25.0
PFAS count 6
[65] 2021 - Umbria - Surface Waters
2021 - Umbria - Surface Waters
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Umbria
Source type Authorities
Row count 242
Coord. count 15
with values 81.82%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 74.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 22
[66] 2021 - Umbria - Ground Waters
2021 - Umbria - Ground Waters
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Umbria
Source type Authorities
Row count 282
Coord. count 89
with values 37.23%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 77.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 4.0
PFAS count 20
[67] Italy - Campania - Surface and Ground Water
Italy - Campania - Surface and Ground Water
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Campania
Source type Authorities
Row count 156
Coord. count 40
with values 58.97%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 17.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 3.0
PFAS count 18
[68] Italy - Valle d'Aosta Surface Water
Italy - Valle d'Aosta Surface Water
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Valle d'Aosta
Source type Authorities
Row count 67
Coord. count 15
with values 10.45%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 20
[69] 2020 - Piemonte SW (Rivers)
2020 - Piemonte SW (Rivers)
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Piemonte
Source type Authorities
Row count 676
Coord. count 75
with values 13.46%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 91.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 23.0
PFAS count 6
[70] 2021 - Piemonte Ground Water
2021 - Piemonte Ground Water
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Piemonte
Source type Authorities
Row count 88
Coord. count 46
with values 68.18%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 48.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 10.0
PFAS count 5
[71] IT_2021 - Sicilia - GW and SW
IT_2021 - Sicilia - GW and SW
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Sicilia
Source type Authorities
Row count 283
Coord. count 80
with values 50.88%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 35.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 3.0
PFAS count 16
[72] IT_2021 - Lazio Ground Water
IT_2021 - Lazio Ground Water
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Lazio
Source type Authorities
Row count 9
Coord. count 9
with values 11.11%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 7
[73] IT_2022 - Toscana Surface Water + Biota
IT_2022 - Toscana Surface Water + Biota
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Toscana
Source type Authorities
Row count 1640
Coord. count 497
with values 53.96%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 50.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 2.0
PFAS count 6
[74] IT_2022 - Trento - Surface Waters
IT_2022 - Trento - Surface Waters
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Trento
Source type Authorities
Row count 1105
Coord. count 118
with values 37.01%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 76.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 6
[75] IT_2021 - Sardegna - PFOS_Acque_superficiali_2020-2021
IT_2021 - Sardegna - PFOS_Acque_superficiali_2020-2021
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url Press request
Source text ARPA Sardegna
Source type Authorities
Row count 175
Coord. count 87
with values 50.86%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 25.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 25.0
PFAS count 1
[76] PFAS_data_groundwater_Latvia
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://videscentrs.lvgmc.lv/
Source text Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre (LEGMC)
Source type Authorities
Row count 62
Coord. count 23
with values 91.94%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 8.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 17
[77] PFAS_data_surface_water_fish_Latvia
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://videscentrs.lvgmc.lv/
Source text Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre (LEGMC)
Source type Authorities
Row count 622
Coord. count 94
with values 83.92%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 110.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 107.0
PFAS count 2
[78] Zacs_2022
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.108228
Source text Zacs 2020
Source type Scientific article
Row count 86
Coord. count 43
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 34.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 2.0
PFAS count 15
[79] Lithuania_ PFAS_Surface water_2014-2021
Lithuania_ PFAS_Surface water_2014-2021
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://aad.lrv.lt/
Source text Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency
Source type Authorities
Row count 934
Coord. count 19
with values 7.71%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 17.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 17
[80] Lithuania_Baltic_sea
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://aad.lrv.lt/
Source text Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency
Source type Authorities
Row count 15
Coord. count 8
with values 66.67%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 10.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 10.0
PFAS count 2
[81] groundwater 2022_pollution incident 2019_Lux_AGE
groundwater 2022_pollution incident 2019_Lux_AGE
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://mecdd.gouvernement.lu/en.html
Source text Luxembourg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
Source type Authorities
Row count 16
Coord. count 13
with values 18.75%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 2.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 25
[82] 2021-05-19 PFASBodemTotaal
2021-05-19 PFASBodemTotaal
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl/kaarten?config=3ef897de-127f-471a-959b-93b7597de188&activateOnStart=layercollection&gm-x=165798.3190349183&gm-y=421794.2977406522&gm-z=3.857422141260884&gm-b=1544180834512,true,1;1609839926010,true,1
Source text Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
Source type Authorities
Row count 6381
Coord. count 4434
with values 74.3%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 4741.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 4652.0
PFAS count 41
[83] norway_2021_lake_Tyrifjorden
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116259
Source text Langberg 2021
Source type Scientific article
Row count 109
Coord. count 109
with values 92.66%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 59.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 32.0
PFAS count 30
[84] PFOS_MATRIZ_ÁGUA_Centro_Sul
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos (SNIRH) Departamento de Recursos Hídricos da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente
Source type Authorities
Row count 31
Coord. count 22
with values 0.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 1
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos (SNIRH) Departamento de Recursos Hídricos da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente
Source type Authorities
Row count 11
Coord. count 8
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 11.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 11.0
PFAS count 1
[86] ES_rivers and fish
ES_rivers and fish
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131940
Source text Roscales 2020
Source type Scientific article
Row count 120
Coord. count 31
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 46.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 30.0
PFAS count 5
[87] ES_UnivValencia
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2016.03.010;dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2016.03.010;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.005;doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.304
Source text Campo 2016, Campo 2017, Lorenzo 2019
Source type Scientific article
Row count 51
Coord. count 17
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 48.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 37.0
PFAS count 10
[88] [OLD] Groundwater contamination from firefighting foam
[OLD] Groundwater contamination from firefighting foam
Added on 2022-02-07
Last refresh 2024-06-13
Type static
Category Presumptive
Source url https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1604725&dswid=-7034
Source text Swedish Environmental Protection Agency/Swedish Geological Survey
Source type Authorities
Row count 11197
Coord. count 11197
with values 0.05%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 6.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 1
[90] Sweden_samplings_Gobellius2018
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.7b05718
Source text Gobelius 2018
Source type Scientific article
Row count 502
Coord. count 299
with values 89.44%
without precise loc. 35.46%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 160.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 50.0
PFAS count 26
[92] CH_Rhein_Schwebstoffe
Added on 2024-03-05
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.bafu.admin.ch/bafu/en/home.html
Source text Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
Source type Authorities
Row count 160
Coord. count 2
with values 43.75%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 13.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 32
[93] CH_NAQUA_PFAS_eaux_souterraines_2007-2008
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.bafu.admin.ch/bafu/fr/home/themes/eaux/info-specialistes/etat-des-eaux/etat-des-eaux-souterraines/observation-nationale-des-eaux-souterraines-naqua.html
Source text Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
Source type Authorities
Row count 49
Coord. count 49
with values 42.86%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 11.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 11
[94] uk_water_quality
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-06-24
Type dynamic
Category Known
Source url https://www.data.gov.uk/dataset/0c63b33e-0e34-45bb-a779-16a8c3a4b3f7/water-quality-monitoring-data-gc-ms-and-lc-ms-semi-quantitative-screen
Source text Environment Agency
Source type Authorities
Row count 5349
Coord. count 661
with values 16.99%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 495.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 215.0
PFAS count 13
[95] Scotland_PFAS Data_Water screening_2018 - raw data
Scotland_PFAS Data_Water screening_2018 - raw data
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Scotland Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Source type FOI
Row count 61
Coord. count 22
with values 75.41%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 6.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 9
[96] Wales PFOA-PFOS 2016 - 2022 - WQDATA
Wales PFOA-PFOS 2016 - 2022 - WQDATA
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Natural resources Wales
Source type Authorities
Row count 431
Coord. count 59
with values 76.33%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 15.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 11.0
PFAS count 2
[97] Watersheds DW sampling
Watersheds DW sampling
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source type Own sampling campaign
Row count 10
Coord. count 10
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 10.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 10
[98] Watersheds SW sampling
Watersheds SW sampling
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Watershed sampling campaign
Source type Own sampling campaign
Row count 3
Coord. count 2
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 3.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 3.0
PFAS count 19
[99] Watershed - all datasets - EA GW FOI
Watershed - all datasets - EA GW FOI
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Environment Agency
Source type FOI
Row count 48
Coord. count 47
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 2.08%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 47.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 14.0
PFAS count 22
[100] Watershed Manual data
Watershed Manual data
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Environment Agency
Source type FOI
Row count 1
Coord. count 1
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 3
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://mecdd.gouvernement.lu/en.html
Source text Luxembourg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
Source type Authorities
Row count 45963
Coord. count 1627
with values 99.34%
without precise loc. 0.09%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 14108.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 358.0
PFAS count 2
[102] UK_EA water for potable supply FOI
UK_EA water for potable supply FOI
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Environment Agency
Source type FOI
Row count 414
Coord. count 163
with values 24.88%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 89.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 43.0
PFAS count 41
[103] Cefas
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://randd.defra.gov.uk/ProjectDetails?ProjectId=20506
Source text Centre for Environment Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
Source type Authorities
Row count 95
Coord. count 95
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 95.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 83.0
PFAS count 16
[104] PFAS Malta
PFAS Malta
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Malta Environment and Resources Authority
Source type Authorities
Row count 18
Coord. count 6
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 18.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 18.0
PFAS count 2
[106] CH_PFAS_Hintergrundbelastung_Boden
Added on 2024-04-12
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
Source type Authorities
Row count 147
Coord. count 124
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 14.97%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 147.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 147.0
PFAS count 15
[107] GR_Landfill Leachates
GR_Landfill Leachates
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122493
Source text Nika 2020
Source type Scientific article
Row count 14
Coord. count 8
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 14.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 14.0
PFAS count 6
[108] GR_WWTP
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Thomaidis 2020
Source type Scientific article
Row count 4
Coord. count 2
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 4.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 7
[109] Asopos
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Thomaidis 2020
Source type Scientific article
Row count 1
Coord. count 1
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
PFAS count 4
[113] BE_PFOS_Sédiments - SPW_ARNE - PFOS - SED
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Service public de Wallonie (SPW)
Source type Authorities
Row count 222
Coord. count 87
with values 18.02%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 1
[114] belgium_PFAS_sédimentsVN_SPW_MI
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Service public de Wallonie (SPW)
Source type Authorities
Row count 75
Coord. count 56
with values 45.33%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 34.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 34.0
PFAS count 46
[115] BE_PFAS_EAU_SURFACE_2019_2022
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Service public de Wallonie (SPW)
Source type Authorities
Row count 2608
Coord. count 55
with values 83.67%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 530.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 22.0
PFAS count 20
[116] BE_Données _PFAS_ESO
BE_Données _PFAS_ESO
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Service public de Wallonie (SPW)
Source type Authorities
Row count 87
Coord. count 67
with values 73.56%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 27.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 14.0
PFAS count 20
[117] belgium_Données_PFAS_ESU
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Service public de Wallonie (SPW)
Source type Authorities
Row count 11
Coord. count 6
with values 63.64%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 5
[118] SurveillanceBE_PFAS_2016_2021
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Service public de Wallonie (SPW)
Source type Authorities
Row count 111
Coord. count 43
with values 11.71%
without precise loc. 12.61%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 1.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 8
[123] BE_VIVAQUA_Réservoirs
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.vivaqua.be/en/
Source text Vivaqua
Source type Authorities
Row count 64
Coord. count 6
with values 62.5%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 20
[124] france_eaurob
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-06-24
Type dynamic
Data from the drinking water public register
Category Known
Source url https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/resultats-du-controle-sanitaire-de-leau-du-robinet/
Source text French ministry of health
Source type Authorities
Row count 7722
Coord. count 502
with values 10.26%
without precise loc. 93.43%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 384.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 103.0
PFAS count 21
[125] DE Rheinland Pfalz Industry
DE Rheinland Pfalz Industry
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source text Rheinland-Pfalz Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie und Mobilität (MKUEM)
Source type Authorities
Row count 90
Coord. count 0
with values 98.89%
without precise loc. 100.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 89.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 69.0
PFAS count 17
[126] POPMON Lebensmittel Daten 260922
POPMON Lebensmittel Daten 260922
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source url https://www.ages.at/forschung/wissen-aktuell/detail/popmon
Source text AGES
Source type Authorities
Row count 10
Coord. count 0
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 100.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 0.0
PFAS count 7
[127] Italy - Valle d'Aosta Ground Water
Italy - Valle d'Aosta Ground Water
Added on 2024-03-01
Last refresh 2024-04-23
Type static
Category Known
Source type Authorities
Row count 6
Coord. count 3
with values 100.0%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 5.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 2.0
PFAS count 10
[128] CH_Oberflächengewässer
Added on 2024-03-05
Last refresh 2024-06-24
Type dynamic
Category Known
Source url https://data.bs.ch/explore/dataset/100068
Source text Amt für Umwelt und Energie
Source type Authorities
Row count 138
Coord. count 13
with values 47.1%
without precise loc. 0.0%
> 10 ng/L or equivalent 42.0
> 100 ng/L or equivalent 11.0
PFAS count 27